Wednesday, 9 March 2011

DANGER! You are now entering a Mock-Up Zone.

The men's poster is a lot simpler than that of the women's, requiring almost no photography and very little editing, whilst still having the desired effect. Below is the Mock-Up I created, which is basically the final version, however, the condom image is not my own, and the NHS logo 'blue' colour is slightly too dark.

Within the poster there is an image of a condom package, which would have to be my own photo, however, to save time, I simply cut the condom from my women's poster photo shoot and used that. Also, with the change in my logo I had to rectify the current logo which meant that I needed to reposition the logo elsewhere.

The NHS logo is not as dark a shade of blue as most people (my self included) would expect. After researching the NHS website, I found the exact shade and colour I would have to have. This differs slightly from my idea that the main blue rectangles within the poster would link to the NHS logo, however, that is the official colour, and changing the 'No Condom' (etc) box colours to the NHS blue, would create a weaker, less contrasted and less noticable poster.

Another issue with the mock up, is that there is no definition to the edge of the poster. When on Photoshop, the edge of the poster is clearly shown by the size of the canvas, however, when the image is placed on a white background, its outline is lost and the poster looses some of the layout quality. To rectify this, I have used an idea which I had originally used on my men's leaflet front cover, which involves a simple
yet definitive black border to the image.

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